A Smoked Tri-Tip is a quick and affordable alternative to brisket—both in the cost of the meat and the time it takes to smoke. Smoking brisket takes 10+ hours to cook, whereas Smoked Tri-Tip averages 60-90 minutes. I will break down just how to Smoke Tri-Tip in a pellet grill by answering commonly asked questions. How do you Smoke Tri-Tip?
First, trim off the silver skin along with any excess fat if this wasn’t already done before you purchased it. Second, season with olive oil and your favorite rub. You can go simple and season with equal parts salt and pepper. Third, smoke the Tri-Tip at 225ºF. Fourth, remove the meat once an instant-read thermometer reads the center of the thickest part at 135ºF for medium-rare. Fourth, wrap the Tri-Tip in foil and rest for 15 minutes. Fifth, unwrap and thinly slice against the grain.
Now that you have the basics on how to Smoke Tri-Tip, you may have questions about what wood to use, how long it will take, how many people it will feed, and much more. I’ll answer all your questions below. Before you get to the questions, here’s a step-by-step process to follow.
Steps to Smoking Tri-Tip
- Trim – Most will come already trimmed, but you’ll want to use a sharp knife to trim off any excess fat. If the Tri-Tip wasn’t pre-trimmed, slice off the silver skin and fat pockets. Some cuts might have a thick layer of fat on the base. Remove that fat as it won’t render.
- Season – Spread a light coating of extra virgin olive oil all over the mat to help the rub stick. Apply equal parts kosher salt and coarse ground pepper for a simple rub. You can also choose any rub you desire if you want to add other flavors.
- Smoke – Smoke at 225ºF with fruitwood, oak, or hickory. Smoked Tri-Tip temp is ideal when the thickest part of the meat is 125ºF for rare or 135ºF for medium-rare. Once you’ve reached your desired internal temperature, remove the meat from the smoker.
- Rest – Wrap the meat in foil and let it rest for 15 minutes.
- Slice – Unwrap the roast and slice against the grain into thin slices, and then serve.
If the meat is done before you’re ready to serve, keep it wrapped and place it in a cooler without ice. The Tri-Tip will stay hot for a couple of hours when left undisturbed.
Chef’s tip

What is Tri-Tip?
Tri-Tip is a beef roast from the backside of the cow or lower section of the sirloin. It’s triangular-shaped with three tips, hence the name Tri-Tip. When purchasing a Tri-Tip, it usually comes trimmed with a large fat cap and silver skin layer removed and weighing around 2-3 pounds.
Is Tri Tip Part of Brisket?
Tri-tip is not a brisket but is commonly referred to as a poor man’s brisket. The Tri-Tip comes from the bottom sirloin of the cow. Brisket comes from the front part of the cow right below the chuck. Tri-tip is a triangular-shaped cut coming from the bottom sirloin, so it’s considered a steak.
Is Tri-Tip a Steak?
Yes, Tri-Tip is a steak. It goes by many names, including California cut, a Newport steak, a bottom sirloin butt, a Santa Maria steak. It’s even referred to as the “poor man’s brisket.” But unlike brisket, Tri-Tip is considered a steak.
How Many Hours Does It Take Smoke a Tri-Tip?
It will take approx. 1.5-2 hours to smoke Tri-Tip. Then add 5-6 minutes for searing and resting. The smoke time will vary depending on your desired doneness.
If you smoke your Tri-Tip at 225ºF until it reaches an internal temperature of 135ºF for medium-rare, it will take about 30 minutes per pound for it to cook. A typical Tri-Tip is around 2 pounds meaning it will take about an hour to smoke. Then you can add in time to sear and rest.
I’ve found that it’s unnecessary to smoke a Tri-Tip for several hours like you might see some people do. This is because the intramuscular tissue isn’t dense like you find in a brisket as well as Tri-Tip doesn’t need hours to render large pockets of fat.
What Temperature do you Smoke Tri-Tip at?
Smoke at 225ºF. Remove it from the smoker or pellet grill once the steak reaches your desired internal temperature. Using a sear box, propane grill, or pellet grill, sear both sides of the meat for about 15 minutes total.
Beef Temperature Cooking Chart

Should I Wrap My Tri-Tip in Foil?
Some will wrap in foil, but most don’t. You should wrap the smoked Tri-Tip after it’s removed from the grill while you let it rest. You can either wrap in foil or butcher paper for the resting period.
What Seasoning Does Costco Use on their Tri-Tip?
Costco has a delicious Kirkland Tri-Tip that’s pre-seasoned. If you can’t find it and would like to create a duplicate, you can make your seasoning at home. Mix one tablespoon paprika (mild or smoked), one tablespoon garlic salt, and one tablespoon cajun seasoning.
Is Costco Tri-Tip Good?
If you don’t want to create your seasoning and marinade, Costco’s pre-seasoned Tri-Tip is excellent for smoking. It comes out tender, juicy, and delicious.

How Much Tri-Tip Do I Need Per Person?
You should plan on a precooked weight of ½ pound of meat per person. Your average Tri-Tip roast ranges from 2 ½ to 4 pounds. A 3-pound Tri-Tip should feed six people.
Should You Trim the Fat Off a Tri-Tip?
Yes, you should trim your Tri-Tip. It will make a big difference after smoking, and it only takes a few minutes. Slice off any hard fat and membrane. Most come already trimmed, but you should go over it with a sharp knife to remove any extra-large pieces of fat.
What Do You Eat with Tri-Tip?
You can serve just about anything you would serve alongside a steak or roast. This includes corn, beans, grilled garlic bread, and many other options.
Can Tri-Tip Be Pink in the Middle?
Since a Tri-Tip is shaped with tapered ends thinner than the center, the ends will be more well done. These are fantastic pieces for anyone who’d like more well-done meat. The thicker middle portion of the Tri-Tip should be pink and juicy.
Do You Flip Tri-Tip When Smoking?
You don’t need to flip the meat in a pellet grill or off-set smoker. Place it directly on the grill grates and smoke until done.
What is the Best Wood to Smoke Tri-Tip?
In general, the best wood pellets or wood to smoke Tri-Tip is fruitwoods and oak because the meat cooks so quickly. My top pics to smoke Tri-Tip include oak, hickory, applewood, pecan, and cherry wood.

Do You Smoke Tri-Tip Fat Side Up or Down?
It’s up to your preference. I’ve smoked a Tri-Tip both ways, and they seem to turn out the same. If you want to put the roast in your smoker fat side up or down, it shouldn’t make much of a difference.
Why Is My Tri-Tip Chewy?
You’ll find that the tenderness of your Tri-Tip is related in part to how you sliced it after smoking and resting. Cutting a Tri-Tip incorrectly can make a perfectly smoked Tri-Tip tough and chewy.
Before seasoning, notice which direction the grains are going; after smoking and resting the meat, slice perpendicular or against the grain. This will leave your finished product much more tender.
How Do You Slice Tri-Tip?
Tri-Tip has two directions for the grains. Make sure you are slicing against the grain; begin slicing from the thin tail end. Once you get closer to the thicker side, rotate the meat 90 degrees and continue cutting. This way, you are adjusting for the change in the direction of the grain.
To smoke a Tri-Tip steak, all you have to do is season the meat before placing it in a 225ºF smoker until the roast reaches 135ºF for medium-rare. Then wrap the Tri-Tip in foil or paper and rest for 15 minutes before you thinly slice against the grain.
Below is a Pinterest friendly photo…. so you can pin it to your favorite Smoking Food Board!!

Do you want to avoid commonly made mistakes smoking brisket? Read our article, the 12 Most Common Brisket Mistakes Everyone Should Avoid.
Bon Appétit